
Clever Ways to Store Your Child’s School Work

Storing your Kids School Work can be daunting but here are some solutions to tame and preserve their school work. As parents, we want to relish and savor each adorable moment with our children. Well, all of them except tantrums and fits. We can all agree not to look back on those fondly, right? READ MORE

10 Books to get Kids Ready for Kindergarten

This post contains affiliate links, please visit my disclosure page for full details. My Favorite Books About Starting Kindergarten : Dealing with the Transition of Pre-k to Kindergarten To get my son ready ti start Kindergarten, I've compiled a list of books that will help kids transition READ MORE

Best Board Games for Preschoolers

Best Games for Preschoolers Now that my son has gotten a little older and is able to play some games, I've purchased quite a few games for us to play at home. Since he isn't in school yet, we need a lot of at home activities or else the TV/iPad will reign supreme. READ MORE